Boolector Options

General Options:


    Enable (value: 1 or 2) or disable (value: 0) generation of a model for satisfiable instances.
    There are two modes for model generation:
    • generate model for asserted expressions only (value: 1)

    • generate model for all expressions (value: 2)


    Enable (value: 1) incremental mode.
    Note that incremental usage turns off some optimization techniques. Disabling incremental usage is currently not supported.

    Set incremental mode for SMT-LIB v1 input.
    • BTOR_INCREMENTAL_SMT1_BASIC [default]: stop after first satisfiable formula

    • BTOR_INCREMENTAL_SMT1_CONTINUE: solve all formulas


    Force input file format.
    If unspecified, Boolector automatically detects the input file format while parsing.





    Force output number format.
    • BTOR_OUTPUT_BASE_BIN [default]: binary

    • BTOR_OUTPUT_BASE_HEX: hexa-decimal

    • BTOR_OUTPUT_BASE_DEC: decimal


    Force output file format (value: BTOR: -1, SMT-LIB v1: 1, SMT-LIB v2: 2).

    Set solver engine.
    • BTOR_ENGINE_FUN [default]: the default engine for all combinations of QF_AUFBV, uses lemmas on demand for QF_AUFBV and eager bit-blasting for QF_BV

    • BTOR_ENGINE_SLS: the score-based local search QF_BV engine

    • BTOR_ENGINE_PROP: the propagation-based local search QF_BV engine

    • BTOR_ENGINE_AIGPROP: the propagation-based local search QF_BV engine that operates on the bit-blasted formula (the AIG layer)

    • BTOR_ENGINE_QUANT: the quantifier engine (BV only)


    Set sat solver engine.
    Available option values and default values depend on the sat solvers configured.

    Enable (value:1) or disable (value:0) auto cleanup of all references held on exit.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) pretty printing when dumping.


    Enable (value:1) or disable (value:0) the use of Boolector exit codes (BOOLECTOR_SAT, BOOLECTOR_UNSAT, BOOLECTOR_UNKNOWN - see Macros).
    If disabled, on exit Boolector returns 0 if success (sat or unsat), and 1 in any other case.

    Set seed for Boolector’s internal random number generator.
    Boolector uses 0 by default.

Simplifier Options:


    Set the rewrite level (value: 0-3) of the rewriting engine.
    Boolector uses rewrite level 3 by default, rewrite levels are classified as follows:
    • 0: no rewriting

    • 1: term level rewriting

    • 2: more simplification techniques

    • 3: full rewriting/simplification

    Do not alter the rewrite level of the rewriting engine after creating expressions.

    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) skeleton preprocessing during simplification.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) the eager addition of Ackermann constraints for function applications.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) the eager elimination of lambda expressions via beta reduction.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) slice elimination on bit vector variables.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) variable substitution during simplification.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) unconstrained optimization.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) merging of lambda expressions.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) extraction of common array patterns as lambda terms.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) normalization of addition, multiplication and bit-wise and.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) normalization of addition.

Fun Engine Options:


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) prop engine as preprocessing step within sequential portfolio setting.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) sls engine as preprocessing step within sequential portfolio setting.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) dual propagation optimization.


    Set order in which inputs are assumed in dual propagation clone.
    • BTOR_DP_QSORT_JUST [default]: order by score, highest score first

    • BTOR_DP_QSORT_ASC: order by input id, ascending

    • BTOR_DP_QSORT_DESC: order by input id, descending


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) justification optimization.


    Set heuristic that determines path selection for justification optimization.
    • BTOR_JUST_HEUR_BRANCH_MIN_APP [default]: choose branch with minimum number of applies

    • BTOR_JUST_HEUR_BRANCH_MIN_DEP: choose branch with minimum depth

    • BTOR_JUST_HEUR_LEFT: always choose left branch


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) lazy synthesis of bit vector expressions.


    Select mode for eager generation lemmas.
    • BTOR_FUN_EAGER_LEMMAS_NONE: do not generate lemmas eagerly (generate one single lemma per refinement iteration)

    • BTOR_FUN_EAGER_LEMMAS_CONF: only generate lemmas eagerly until the first conflict dependent on another conflict is found

    • BTOR_FUN_EAGER_LEMMAS_ALL: in each refinement iteration, generate lemmas for all conflicts


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) DIMACS printer.

    When enabled Boolector will record the CNF sent to the SAT solver and prints it to stdout.

SLS Engine Options:

  • BTOR_OPT_SLS_NFIPS Set the number of bit flips used as a limit for the sls engine. Disabled if 0.


    Select move strategy for SLS engine.
    • BTOR_SLS_STRAT_BEST_MOVE: always choose best score improving move

    • BTOR_SLS_STRAT_RAND_WALK: always choose random walk weighted by score

    • BTOR_SLS_STRAT_FIRST_BEST_MOVE [default]: always choose first best move (no matter if any other move is better)

    • BTOR_SLS_STRAT_BEST_SAME_MOVE: determine move as best move even if its score is not better but the same as the score of the previous best move

    • BTOR_SLS_STRAT_ALWAYS_PROP: always choose propagation move (and recover with SLS move in case of conflict)


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) justification based path selection during candidate selection.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) group-wise moves, where rather than changing the assignment of one single candidate variable, all candidate variables are set at the same time (using the same strategy).


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) range-wise bit-flip moves, where the bits within all ranges from 2 to the bit width (starting from the LSB) are flipped at once.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) segment-wise bit-flip moves, where the bits within segments of multiples of 2 are flipped at once.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) random walk moves, where one out of all possible neighbors is randomly selected (with given probability, see BTOR_OPT_SLS_PROB_MOVE_RAND_WALK) for a randomly selected candidate variable.


    Set the probability with which a random walk is chosen if random walks are enabled (see BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_RAND_WALK).


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) the randomization of all candidate variables (rather than a single randomly selected candidate variable) in case no best move has been found.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) the randomization of bit ranges (rather than all bits) of a candidate variable(s) to be randomized in case no best move has been found.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) propagation moves (chosen with a given ratio of number of propagation moves to number of regular SLS moves, see BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP_N_PROP and BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP_N_SLS).


    Set the number of propagation moves to be performed when propagation moves are enabled (propagation moves are chosen with a ratio of propagation moves to regular SLS moves, see BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP and BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP_N_SLS).


    Set the number of regular SLS moves to be performed when propagation moves are enabled (propagation moves are chosen with a ratio of propagation moves to regular SLS moves, see BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP and BTOR_OPT_SLS_MOVE_PROP_N_PROP).


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) that random walks are forcibly chosen as recovery moves in case of conflicts when a propagation move is performed (rather than performing a regular SLS move).


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) that during best move selection, if the current candidate variable with a previous neighbor yields the currently best score, this neighbor assignment is used as a base for further neighborhood exploration (rather than its current assignment).


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) restarts.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) heuristic (bandit scheme) for selecting root constraints.
    If disabled, candidate root constraints are selected randomly.

Prop Engine Options:


    Set the number of propagation (steps) used as a limit for the propagation engine. Disabled if 0.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) restarts.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) heuristic (bandit scheme) for selecting root constraints.
    If enabled, root constraint selection via bandit scheme is based on a scoring scheme similar to the one employed in the SLS engine.
    If disabled, candidate root constraints are selected randomly.

    Select mode for path selection.

    • BTOR_PROP_PATH_SEL_CONTROLLING: select path based on controlling inputs

    • BTOR_PROP_PATH_SEL_ESSENTIAL [default]: select path based on essential inputs

    • BTOR_PROP_PATH_SEL_RANDOM: select path based on random inputs


Set probabiality with which to choose inverse values over consistent values.


Set probability with which to select the path to the condition (in case of an if-then-else operation) rather than the enabled branch during down propagation.


Set probbiality with which to select the path to the condition (in case of an if-then-else operation) rather than the enabled branch during down propagation if either of the ‘then’ or ‘else’ branch is constant.


Set delta by which BTOR_OPT_PROP_PROB_FLIP_COND_CONST is decreased or increased after a limit BTOR_OPT_PROP_FLIP_COND_CONST_NPATHSEL is reached.


Set the limit for how often the path to the condition (in case of an if-then-else operation) may be selected bevor BTOR_OPT_PROP_PROB_FLIP_COND_CONST is decreased or increased by BTOR_OPT_PROP_PROB_FLIP_COND_CONST_DELTA.


    Set probability with which to keep the current value of the don’t care bits of a slice operation (rather than fully randomizing all of them) when selecting an inverse or consistent value.


Set probability with which to use the corresponing slice of current assignment with max. one of its bits flipped (rather than using the corresponding slice of the down propagated assignment) as result of consistent value selection for concats.


Set probability with which to use the current assignment of the operand of a slice operation with one of the don’t care bits flipped (rather than fully randomizing all of them, both for inverse and consistent value selection) if their current assignment is not kept (see BTOR_OPT_PROP_PROB_SLICE_KEEP_DC).


Set probability with which the current assignment of the selected node with one of its bits flipped (rather than a fully randomized bit-vector) is down-propagated in case of an inequality (both for inverse and consistent value selection).


Set probability with which the current assignment of the don’t care bits of the selected node with max. one of its bits flipped (rather than fully randomizing all of them) in case of an and operation (for both inverse and consistent value selection).


    Do not perform a propagation move when running into a conflict during inverse computation.
    (This is the default behavior for the SLS engine when propagation moves are enabled, where a conflict triggers a recovery by means of a regular SLS move.)

AIGProp Engine Options:


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) restarts.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) heuristic (bandit scheme) for selecting root constraints.
    If enabled, root constraint selection via bandit scheme is based on a scoring scheme similar to the one employed in the SLS engine.
    If disabled, candidate root constraints are selected randomly.

Select synthesis mode for Skolem functions.

  • BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_NONE: do not synthesize skolem functions (use model values for instantiation)

  • BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_EL: use enumerative learning to synthesize skolem functions

  • BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_ELMC: use enumerative learning modulo the predicates in the cone of influence of the existential variables to synthesize skolem functions

  • BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_EL_ELMC: chain BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_EL and BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_ELMC approaches to synthesize skolem functions

  • BTOR_QUANT_SYNTH_ELMR: use enumerative learning modulo the given root constraints to synthesize skolem functions


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) solving the dual (negated) version of the quantified bit-vector formula.


    Set the limit of enumerated expressions for the enumerative learning synthesis algorithm.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) generalization of quantifier instantiations via enumerative learning.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) destructive equality resolution simplification.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) constructive equality resolution simplification.


    Enable (value: 1) or disable (value: 0) miniscoping.