Boolector C API documentation


First, we create a Boolector instance:

  Btor *btor = boolector_new ();

We can configure this instance via boolector_set_opt() For example, if we want to enable model generation:

  boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_MODEL_GEN, 1);

For a detailed description of all configurable options, see boolector_set_opt().

Next, we can create expressions and assert formulas via boolector_assert().


Boolector’s internal design is motivated by hardware design. Hence we do not distinguish between type Boolean and type bit vector of length 1.

If incremental usage is enabled, formulas can optionally be assumed via boolector_assume().


Assumptions are invalidated after a call to boolector_sat().

Alternatively, we can parse an input file prior to creating and asserting expressions. For example, to parse an input file example.btor, we can use boolector_parse() (auto detects the input format) or boolector_parse_btor() (for parsing input files in BTOR format).

char *error_msg;
int status;
int result;
FILE *fd = fopen ("example.btor", "r");
result = boolector_parse_btor (btor, fd, "example.btor", &error_msg, &status);

In case the input issues a call to check sat (in case of SMT-LIB v2 or incremental SMT-LIB v1), this function either returns BOOLECTOR_SAT, BOOLECTOR_UNSAT or BOOLECTOR_UNKNOWN. In any other non-error case it returns BOOLECTOR_PARSE_UNKNOWN. For a more detailed description of the parsers return values, see boolector_parse(), boolector_parse_btor(). boolector_parse_btor2(), boolector_parse_smt1() and boolector_parse_smt2().

If the parser encounters an error, it returns BOOLECTOR_PARSE_ERROR and an explanation of that error is stored in error_msg. If the input file specifies a (known) status of the input formula (either satisfiable or unsatisfiable), that status is stored in status.

As an example for generating and asserting expressions via boolector_assert(), consider the following example:

0 < x <= 100 && 0 < y <= 100 && x * y < 100

Assume that this example is given with x and y as natural numbers. We encode it with bit-vectors of size 8, and to preserve semantics, we have to ensure that the multiplication does not overflow.

We first create a bit-vector sort of size 8.

  BoolectorSort bvsort8 = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, 8);

Then, we create and assert the following expressions:

  BoolectorNode *x       = boolector_var (btor, bvsort8, "x");
  BoolectorNode *y       = boolector_var (btor, bvsort8, "y");
  BoolectorNode *zero    = boolector_zero (btor, bvsort8);
  BoolectorNode *hundred = boolector_int (btor, 100, bvsort8);

  // 0 < x
  BoolectorNode *ult_x = boolector_ult (btor, zero, x);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult_x);

  // x <= 100
  BoolectorNode *ulte_x = boolector_ulte (btor, x, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ulte_x);

  // 0 < y
  BoolectorNode *ult_y = boolector_ult (btor, zero, y);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult_y);

  // y <= 100
  BoolectorNode *ulte_y = boolector_ulte (btor, y, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ulte_y);

  // x * y
  BoolectorNode *mul = boolector_mul (btor, x, y);

  // x * y < 100
  BoolectorNode *ult = boolector_ult (btor, mul, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult);
  BoolectorNode *umulo  = boolector_umulo (btor, x, y);
  BoolectorNode *numulo = boolector_not (btor, umulo);  // prevent overflow
  boolector_assert (btor, numulo);

The satisfiability of the resulting formula can be determined via boolector_sat().

  int result = boolector_sat (btor);

If the resulting formula is satisfiable and model generation has been enabled via boolector_set_opt(), we can either print the resulting model via boolector_print_model(), or query assignments of bit vector and array variables or uninterpreted functions via boolector_bv_assignment(), boolector_array_assignment() and boolector_uf_assignment().


Querying assignments is not limited to variables. You can query the assignment of any arbitrary expression.

The example above is satisfiable, and we can now either query the assignments of variables x and y or print the resulting model via boolector_print_model().

  const char *xstr = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, x);  // returns "00000100"
  const char *ystr = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, y);  // returns "00010101"

Boolector supports printing models in its own format (“btor”) or in SMT-LIB v2 format (“smt2”). We print the resulting model in BTOR format:

  boolector_print_model (btor, "btor", stdout);

A possible model is shown below and gives the assignments of bit vector variables x and y. The first column indicates the id of the input, the second column its assignment, and the third column its name (or symbol) if any.

2 00000001 x
3 01011111 y

In the case that the formula includes arrays as inputs, their values at a certain index are indicated as follows:

4[00] 01 A

Here, array A has id 4 with index and element bit width of 2, and its value at index 0 is 1.

We now print the model of the example above in SMT-LIB v2 format.

  boolector_print_model (btor, "smt2", stdout);

A possible model is shown below:

  (define-fun x () (_ BitVec 8) #b00000001)
  (define-fun y () (_ BitVec 8) #b01011111)


Boolector internally represents arrays as uninterpreted functions and prints array models as models for UF.

Finally, we have to clean up all created expressions (see Internals and boolector_release()) and delete Boolector instance btor via boolector_delete(). Queried assignment strings have to be freed via boolector_free_bv_assignment(), boolector_free_array_assignment() and boolector_free_uf_assignment().

  // Release expressions
  boolector_release (btor, x);
  boolector_release (btor, y);
  boolector_release (btor, zero);
  boolector_release (btor, hundred);
  boolector_release (btor, ult_x);
  boolector_release (btor, ulte_x);
  boolector_release (btor, ult_y);
  boolector_release (btor, ulte_y);
  boolector_release (btor, mul);
  boolector_release (btor, ult);
  boolector_release (btor, numulo);
  boolector_release (btor, umulo);

  // Release assigments
  boolector_free_bv_assignment (btor, xstr);
  boolector_free_bv_assignment (btor, ystr);

  // Release sorts
  boolector_release_sort (btor, bvsort8);

  // Delete Boolector instance
  boolector_delete (btor);

The source code of the example above can be found at examples/api/c/quickstart.c.


Boolector can be configured either via boolector_set_opt(), or via environment variables of the form:

BTOR<capitalized option name without '_' and ':'>=<value>

E.g., given a Boolector instance btor, model generation is enabled either via

boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_MODEL_GEN, 1);

or via setting the environment variable:


For a list and detailed descriptions of all available options, see boolector_set_opt().

API Tracing

API tracing allows to record every call to Boolector’s public API. The resulting trace can be replayed and the replayed sequence behaves exactly like the original Boolector run. This is particularly useful for debugging purposes, as it enables replaying erroneous behaviour. API tracing can be enabled either via boolector_set_trapi() or by setting the environment variable BTORAPITRACE=<filename>.

For example, given a Boolector instance btor, API tracing is enabled as follows:

FILE *fd = fopen ("error.trace", "r");
boolector_set_trapi (btor, fd);




Boolector internally maintains a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of expressions. As a consequence, each expression maintains a reference counter, which is initially set to 1. Each time an expression is shared, i.e., for each API call that returns an expression (a BoolectorNode), its reference counter is incremented by 1. Not considering API calls that created expressions, this mainly applies to boolector_copy(), which simply increments the reference counter of an expression, and boolector_match_node() and boolector_match_node_by_id(), which retrieve nodes of a given Boolector instance by id and a given node’s id. Expressions are released via boolector_release(), and if its reference counter is decremented to zero, it is deleted from memory.

Note that by asserting an expression, it will be permanently added to the formula. This means that Boolector internally holds its reference until it is either eliminated via rewriting, or the Boolector instance is deleted. Following from that, it is safe to release an expression as soon as you asserted it, as long as you don’t need it for further querying.


Boolector internally describes expressions by means of a set of base operators. Boolector’s API, however, provides a richer set of operators for convenience, where non-base operators are internally rewritten to use base operators only. For example, two’s complement (boolector_neg()) is expressed by means of one’s complement.


This behaviour is not influenced by the configured rewrite level.

Rewriting and Preprocessing

Boolector simplifies expressions and the expression DAG by means of rewriting. It supports three so-called rewrite levels. Increasing rewrite levels increase the extent of rewriting and preprocessing performed. Rewrite level of 0 is equivalent to disabling rewriting and preprocessing at all.


Rewriting expressions by means of base operators can not be disabled, not even at rewrite level 0.

Boolector not only simplifies expressions during construction of the expression DAG but also performs preprocessing on the DAG. For each call to boolector_sat(), various simplification techniques and preprocessing phases are initiated. You can force Boolector to initiate simplifying the expression DAG via boolector_simplify(). The rewrite level can be configured via boolector_set_opt().


Quickstart Example

#include "boolector.h"

main ()
  // Create Boolector instance
  Btor *btor = boolector_new ();
  // Enable model generation
  boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_MODEL_GEN, 1);

  // Create bit-vector sort of size 8
  BoolectorSort bvsort8 = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, 8);

  // Create expressions
  BoolectorNode *x       = boolector_var (btor, bvsort8, "x");
  BoolectorNode *y       = boolector_var (btor, bvsort8, "y");
  BoolectorNode *zero    = boolector_zero (btor, bvsort8);
  BoolectorNode *hundred = boolector_int (btor, 100, bvsort8);

  // 0 < x
  BoolectorNode *ult_x = boolector_ult (btor, zero, x);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult_x);

  // x <= 100
  BoolectorNode *ulte_x = boolector_ulte (btor, x, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ulte_x);

  // 0 < y
  BoolectorNode *ult_y = boolector_ult (btor, zero, y);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult_y);

  // y <= 100
  BoolectorNode *ulte_y = boolector_ulte (btor, y, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ulte_y);

  // x * y
  BoolectorNode *mul = boolector_mul (btor, x, y);

  // x * y < 100
  BoolectorNode *ult = boolector_ult (btor, mul, hundred);
  boolector_assert (btor, ult);
  BoolectorNode *umulo  = boolector_umulo (btor, x, y);
  BoolectorNode *numulo = boolector_not (btor, umulo);  // prevent overflow
  boolector_assert (btor, numulo);

  int result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: sat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: ");
  if (result == BOOLECTOR_SAT)
    printf ("sat\n");
  else if (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT)
    printf ("unsat\n");
    printf ("unknown\n");
  printf ("\n");

  const char *xstr = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, x);  // returns "00000100"
  const char *ystr = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, y);  // returns "00010101"
  printf ("assignment of x: %s\n", xstr);
  printf ("assignment of y: %s\n", ystr);
  printf ("\n");

  printf ("Print model in BTOR format:\n");
  boolector_print_model (btor, "btor", stdout);
  printf ("\n");
  printf ("Print model in SMT-LIBv2 format:\n");
  boolector_print_model (btor, "smt2", stdout);
  printf ("\n");

  // Release expressions
  boolector_release (btor, x);
  boolector_release (btor, y);
  boolector_release (btor, zero);
  boolector_release (btor, hundred);
  boolector_release (btor, ult_x);
  boolector_release (btor, ulte_x);
  boolector_release (btor, ult_y);
  boolector_release (btor, ulte_y);
  boolector_release (btor, mul);
  boolector_release (btor, ult);
  boolector_release (btor, numulo);
  boolector_release (btor, umulo);

  // Release assigments
  boolector_free_bv_assignment (btor, xstr);
  boolector_free_bv_assignment (btor, ystr);

  // Release sorts
  boolector_release_sort (btor, bvsort8);

  // Delete Boolector instance
  boolector_delete (btor);

Bit-Vector Examples

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "boolector.h"


/* We verify the XOR swap algorithm. The XOR bitwise operation can
 * be used to swap variables without using a temporary variable:
 * int x, y;
 * ...
 * x = x ^ y
 * y = x ^ y
 * x = x ^ y

main (void)
  Btor *btor;
  BoolectorNode *x, *y, *temp, *old_x, *old_y, *eq1, *eq2, *and, *formula;
  BoolectorSort s;
  int result;

  btor = boolector_new ();
  s    = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, BV1_EXAMPLE_NUM_BITS);
  x    = boolector_var (btor, s, NULL);
  y    = boolector_var (btor, s, NULL);

  /* remember initial values of x and y */
  old_x = boolector_copy (btor, x);
  old_y = boolector_copy (btor, y);

  /* x = x ^ y */
  temp = boolector_xor (btor, x, y);
  boolector_release (btor, x);
  x = temp;

  /* y = x ^ y */
  temp = boolector_xor (btor, x, y);
  boolector_release (btor, y);
  y = temp;

  /* x = x ^ y */
  temp = boolector_xor (btor, x, y);
  boolector_release (btor, x);
  x = temp;

  /* Now, we have to show that old_x = y and old_y = x */
  eq1 = boolector_eq (btor, old_x, y);
  eq2 = boolector_eq (btor, old_y, x);
  and = boolector_and (btor, eq1, eq2);

  /* In order to prove that this is a theorem, we negate the whole
   * formula and show that the negation is unsatisfiable */
  formula = boolector_not (btor, and);

  /* We assert the formula and call Boolector */
  boolector_assert (btor, formula);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: unsat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_UNSAT) abort ();

  /* cleanup */
  boolector_release (btor, x);
  boolector_release (btor, old_x);
  boolector_release (btor, y);
  boolector_release (btor, old_y);
  boolector_release (btor, eq1);
  boolector_release (btor, eq2);
  boolector_release (btor, and);
  boolector_release (btor, formula);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, s);
  assert (boolector_get_refs (btor) == 0);
  boolector_delete (btor);
  return 0;
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "boolector.h"


/* We try to show the following theorem:
 * v1 > 0 & v2 > 0  =>  v1 + v2 > 0
 * The theorem is valid if v1 and v2 are naturals, but not if they
 * are two's complement bit-vectors as addition can overflow.

main (void)
  Btor *btor;
  BoolectorNode *v1, *v2, *add, *zero, *vars_sgt_zero, *impl;
  BoolectorNode *v1_sgt_zero, *v2_sgt_zero, *add_sgt_zero, *formula;
  BoolectorSort s;
  const char *assignments[10];
  int result, i;

  btor = boolector_new ();
  boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_MODEL_GEN, 1);

  s    = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, BV2_EXAMPLE_NUM_BITS);
  v1   = boolector_var (btor, s, NULL);
  v2   = boolector_var (btor, s, NULL);
  zero = boolector_zero (btor, s);

  v1_sgt_zero   = boolector_sgt (btor, v1, zero);
  v2_sgt_zero   = boolector_sgt (btor, v2, zero);
  vars_sgt_zero = boolector_and (btor, v1_sgt_zero, v2_sgt_zero);

  add          = boolector_add (btor, v1, v2);
  add_sgt_zero = boolector_sgt (btor, add, zero);

  impl = boolector_implies (btor, vars_sgt_zero, add_sgt_zero);

  /* We negate the formula and try to show that the negation is unsatisfiable */
  formula = boolector_not (btor, impl);

  /* We assert the formula and call Boolector */
  boolector_assert (btor, formula);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: sat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_SAT) abort ();

  /* The formula is not valid, we have found a counter-example.
   * Now, we are able to obtain assignments to arbitrary expressions */
  i                = 0;
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, zero);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, v1);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, v2);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, add);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, v1_sgt_zero);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, v2_sgt_zero);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, vars_sgt_zero);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, add_sgt_zero);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, impl);
  assignments[i++] = boolector_bv_assignment (btor, formula);

  i = 0;
  printf ("Assignment to 0: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v2: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1 + v2: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1 > 0: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v2 > 0: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1 > 0 & v2 > 0: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1 + v2 > 0: %s\n", assignments[i++]);
  printf ("Assignment to v1 > 0 & v2 > 0  => v1 + v2 > 0: %s\n",
  printf ("Assignment to !(v1 > 0 & v2 > 0  => v1 + v2 > 0): %s\n",
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) boolector_free_bv_assignment (btor, assignments[i]);

  /* cleanup */
  boolector_release (btor, zero);
  boolector_release (btor, v1);
  boolector_release (btor, v2);
  boolector_release (btor, add);
  boolector_release (btor, impl);
  boolector_release (btor, formula);
  boolector_release (btor, v1_sgt_zero);
  boolector_release (btor, v2_sgt_zero);
  boolector_release (btor, vars_sgt_zero);
  boolector_release (btor, add_sgt_zero);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, s);
  assert (boolector_get_refs (btor) == 0);
  boolector_delete (btor);
  return 0;

Array Examples

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "boolector.h"


/* We verify the following linear search algorithm. We iterate over an array
 * and compute a maximum value as the following pseudo code shows:
 * unsigned int array[ARRAY_SIZE];
 * unsigned int max;
 * int i;
 * ...
 * max = array[0];
 * for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
 *   if (array[i] > max)
 *     max = array[i]
 * Finally, we prove that it is not possible to find an array position
 * such that the value stored at this position is greater than 'max'.
 * If we can show this, we have proved that this algorithm indeed finds
 * a maximum value. Note that we prove that the algorithm finds an
 * arbitrary maximum (multiple maxima are possible), not necessarily
 * the first maximum.

main (void)
  Btor *btor;
  BoolectorNode *array, *read, *max, *temp, *ugt, *formula, *index;
  BoolectorNode *indices[ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE];
  BoolectorSort sort_elem, sort_index, sort_array;
  int i, result;

  btor       = boolector_new ();
  sort_index = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_INDEX_BW);
  sort_elem  = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_ELEM_BW);
  sort_array = boolector_array_sort (btor, sort_index, sort_elem);

  /* We create all possible constants that are used as read indices */
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
    indices[i] = boolector_int (btor, i, sort_index);

  array = boolector_array (btor, sort_array, 0);
  /* Current maximum is first element of array */
  max = boolector_read (btor, array, indices[0]);
  /* Symbolic loop unrolling */
  for (i = 1; i < ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
    read = boolector_read (btor, array, indices[i]);
    ugt  = boolector_ugt (btor, read, max);
    /* found a new maximum? */
    temp = boolector_cond (btor, ugt, read, max);
    boolector_release (btor, max);
    max = temp;
    boolector_release (btor, read);
    boolector_release (btor, ugt);

  /* Now we show that 'max' is indeed a maximum */
  /* We read at an arbitrary position */
  index = boolector_var (btor, sort_index, NULL);
  read  = boolector_read (btor, array, index);

  /* We assume that it is possible that the read value is greater than 'max' */
  formula = boolector_ugt (btor, read, max);

  /* We assert the formula and call Boolector */
  boolector_assert (btor, formula);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: unsat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_UNSAT) abort ();

  /* clean up */
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY1_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
    boolector_release (btor, indices[i]);
  boolector_release (btor, formula);
  boolector_release (btor, read);
  boolector_release (btor, index);
  boolector_release (btor, max);
  boolector_release (btor, array);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_array);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_index);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_elem);
  assert (boolector_get_refs (btor) == 0);
  boolector_delete (btor);
  return 0;
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "boolector.h"


/* We demonstrate Boolector's ability to obtain Array models.
 * We check the following formula for satisfiability:
 * write (array1, 0, 3) = write (array2, 1, 5)

main (void)
  Btor *btor;
  BoolectorNode *array1, *array2, *zero, *one, *val1, *val2;
  BoolectorNode *write1, *write2, *formula;
  BoolectorSort sort_index, sort_elem, sort_array;
  char **indices, **values;
  int32_t result;
  uint32_t i, size;

  btor       = boolector_new ();

  sort_index = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY2_EXAMPLE_INDEX_BW);
  sort_elem  = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY2_EXAMPLE_ELEM_BW);
  sort_array = boolector_array_sort (btor, sort_index, sort_elem);
  boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_MODEL_GEN, 1);

  zero   = boolector_zero (btor, sort_index);
  one    = boolector_one (btor, sort_index);
  val1   = boolector_int (btor, 3, sort_elem);
  val2   = boolector_int (btor, 5, sort_elem);
  array1 = boolector_array (btor, sort_array, 0);
  array2 = boolector_array (btor, sort_array, 0);
  write1 = boolector_write (btor, array1, zero, val1);
  write2 = boolector_write (btor, array2, one, val2);
  /* Note: we compare two arrays for equality ---> needs extensional theory */
  formula = boolector_eq (btor, write1, write2);
  boolector_assert (btor, formula);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: sat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_SAT) abort ();

  printf ("\nModel:\n");
  /* Formula is satisfiable, we can obtain array models: */
  boolector_array_assignment (btor, array1, &indices, &values, &size);
  if (size > 0)
    printf ("Array1:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      printf ("Array1[#x%s] = #x%s\n", indices[i], values[i]);
    boolector_free_array_assignment (btor, indices, values, size);

  boolector_array_assignment (btor, array2, &indices, &values, &size);
  if (size > 0)
    printf ("\nArray2:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      printf ("Array2[#x%s] = #x%s\n", indices[i], values[i]);
    boolector_free_array_assignment (btor, indices, values, size);

  boolector_array_assignment (btor, write1, &indices, &values, &size);
  if (size > 0)
    printf ("\nWrite1:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      printf ("Write1[#x%s] = #x%s\n", indices[i], values[i]);
    boolector_free_array_assignment (btor, indices, values, size);

  boolector_array_assignment (btor, write2, &indices, &values, &size);
  if (size > 0)
    printf ("\nWrite2:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      printf ("Write2[#x%s] = #x%s\n", indices[i], values[i]);
    boolector_free_array_assignment (btor, indices, values, size);

  /* clean up */
  boolector_release (btor, formula);
  boolector_release (btor, write1);
  boolector_release (btor, write2);
  boolector_release (btor, array1);
  boolector_release (btor, array2);
  boolector_release (btor, val1);
  boolector_release (btor, val2);
  boolector_release (btor, zero);
  boolector_release (btor, one);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_array);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_index);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_elem);
  assert (boolector_get_refs (btor) == 0);
  boolector_delete (btor);
  return 0;
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "boolector.h"


main ()
  int result;
  BoolectorNode *array, *index1, *index2, *read1, *read2, *eq, *ne;
  BoolectorSort sort_index, sort_elem, sort_array;
  Btor *btor;

  btor       = boolector_new ();
  sort_index = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY3_EXAMPLE_INDEX_BW);
  sort_elem  = boolector_bitvec_sort (btor, ARRAY3_EXAMPLE_ELEM_BW);
  sort_array = boolector_array_sort (btor, sort_index, sort_elem);
  boolector_set_opt (btor, BTOR_OPT_INCREMENTAL, 1);

  array  = boolector_array (btor, sort_array, 0);
  index1 = boolector_var (btor, sort_index, 0);
  index2 = boolector_var (btor, sort_index, 0);
  read1  = boolector_read (btor, array, index1);
  read2  = boolector_read (btor, array, index2);
  eq     = boolector_eq (btor, index1, index2);
  ne     = boolector_ne (btor, read1, read2);

  /* we enforce that index1 is equal to index 2 */
  boolector_assert (btor, eq);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: sat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_SAT) abort ();
  /* now we additionally assume that the read values differ
   * the instance is now unsatasfiable as read congruence is violated */
  boolector_assume (btor, ne);
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  assert (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT);
  /* after the SAT call the assumptions are gone
   * the instance is now satisfiable again */
  result = boolector_sat (btor);
  printf ("Expect: sat\n");
  printf ("Boolector: %s\n",
          result == BOOLECTOR_SAT
              ? "sat"
              : (result == BOOLECTOR_UNSAT ? "unsat" : "unknown"));
  if (result != BOOLECTOR_SAT) abort ();
  boolector_release (btor, array);
  boolector_release (btor, index1);
  boolector_release (btor, index2);
  boolector_release (btor, read1);
  boolector_release (btor, read2);
  boolector_release (btor, eq);
  boolector_release (btor, ne);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_array);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_index);
  boolector_release_sort (btor, sort_elem);
  boolector_delete (btor);
  return 0;