A Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors, arrays and uninterpreted functions.
SMT competitions
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Third Party Contributions
https://github.com/jwaldmann/haskell-boolector by Johannes Waldmann
BEEM benchmarks in BTOR format by Jori Dubrovin
The following sources represent the prototype implementation pBoolector as implemented by Christian Reisenberger for his master’s thesis. pBoolector is an extension of Boolector version 2.0.1 and will not be maintained in the future.
pBoolector is a parallel implementation of Boolector based on bit-blasting and look-ahead for QF_BV. It is available under a restricted license for non-commercial use. See the COPYING and README files provided with the sources for license information and more detailed information on how to patch Boolector version 2.0.1 with the provided pBoolector sources.
Note: The pBoolector sources as provided are an extension to Boolector version 2.0.1 and are not compatible with earlier or later releases of Boolector.